Agricultural Commodities – Madagascar
Creator Universal has 240,000 Ha of agricultural land in Ihorombe Province, Madagascar. The renewable land lease of 100 years was given by the Madagascar Government to Creator Universal, in return for its commitment to develop profitable businesses, to provide revenue and to provide employment to the people of Madagascar.
The world has more than 7 billion hungry people.
Madagascar has a wonderful climate and very fertile land.
The cost of agricultural production in Madagascar is lower than in most other countries.
Saudi Arabia & other Gulf countries are huge markets. They are ‘close’ to Madagascar for both sea & air shipments.
As we build up infrastructure in Madagascar, a huge additional amount of farm products will become available for export. A large % of Madagascar’s current fruit & vegetable production is lost due to spoilage.
Our advantage: We can produce multiple types of foodstuffs – for example – cassava – peanuts – rice – vegetables – fruits - spices.
Season: Year round.
Locations: Ihorombe Province, Madagascar
Destinations for export: Worldwide
Quantity for export: As per buyers’ requirement – we partner with many other local producers.